The changes occures in mother's body are due to effect of specific hormones.
these changes happen to prepare mother's body labor, prepare her to nurture fetus and develops her breasts for the production of milk.
changes occure in body are as follows:-
1. changes in reproductive system
- increased hair growth on face , scalp and body.
these changes happen to prepare mother's body labor, prepare her to nurture fetus and develops her breasts for the production of milk.
changes occure in body are as follows:-
1. changes in reproductive system
- the body of uterus
- height and weight(hyperplesia)
height increases from 7.5 to 35cm.
weight increase from 50g to 1000g(at term)
- by 12th week of pregnancy, uterus rises out of pelvis and become upright.
- by 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus become spherical in shape and has a thicker, ore rounded fundus.
- the uterus reaches the level of the xiphisternum by38th week.
- the hypertrophy(increase in size) and hyperplesia(increase in number) of uterine muscle due to effect of estrogen and progesterone.
- decidua: endomatrium layer of uterus during pregnancy is called decidua.
- cervix
- mucus plug(operculum) cervical mucus closing the cervical canal to protect from infection.
- vagina
- more acidic environment- distension of vagina a birth.
- pelvic ligaments
-pelvic become more mobile and increase in capacity
2. Breast changes
- increase in size and sensitiveness.
- increased pigmentation of nipple and areola.
-montgomery tubercule appear(dialated sebaceous glands)
- secondary nipples(less pigmented area around primary areola)
- colostrum like fluid is expressed at the end of 3rd month.
3. skin changes
- pigmentation due to increased melanocyte stimulatng hormone
-linea nigra: a narrow line of dark skin pigmentation apperas in midline of abdomen from symphysis to umblicus.
- chloasma or mask of pregnancy: butterfly pigmentation of face in 50 to 70% of women.
- striae gravidarum: stretch of abdominal wall, pink lines in flanks
- increase in body temperature 0.5०c
4. weight changes
- increase in weight during pregnancy
- 4kg in first 20 weeks
- 8.3 kg in second 20 weeks
- 12.5 kg total approximate
- or we can also count as
→2nd and 3rd trimester 5-5 kg increase in weight
5. changes in cardiovascular system
- heart
-stroke volume rises
- left ventricular hypertrophy
-cardiac output increases
- blood volume and pressure
- increase in plasma volume
- plasma protein level reduce durin first 20 week due to high level of plasma volume
- plasma fibrinogen increases from 3rd motnh of pregnancy
- the neutrophils increase in pregnancy
- immune response is reduced in pregnancy
- coagulation
- absolute plasma fibrinogen doubles
-erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases
6. changes in respiratory system
- tidal volume rises by 30% in early pregnancy & 40 to 50% by term.
- fall in expiratory reserve and residual volume
- dyspnea in late pregnancy due to elevated diaphragm.
- shortness of breath
- lowering of blood pco2
- respiratory alkelosis
7.changes in gastrointestinal system
- increased salivation (ptyalism)
-change in sense of taste, it can be metalic taste in mouth.
- increase appetite and thirst ⇢⇢⇢⇢frequent small snacks
- nausea and vomiting around 4 to 8weeks
- emesis gravidarum, morning sickness(50% women)
-decreased gastric acidity
-increased thirst
- constipation due to reduced gut motility
- liver
- gall bladder increase in size and empties more slowly during pregnancy
- fibrinogen levels are increased by 50%
- serum alkaline phosphatase levels rise progressively
8. changes in endocrine system
- pitutary
- posterior pitutary release oxytocin on the onset of labor
- thyroid
-most pregnant women are euthyroid
- total T3,T4 are increased
- basal metabolic rate increase
- adrenal
- placental hormones
*progesterone : produced by corpus luteum
level rises steadily during pregnancy
action on - colon activity reduced , nausea, vomitting, reduced uterine tone, raises temperature, diastolic bp reduce.
*oestrogens: ovary in early pregnancy
oestriol produced by placenta
actions on - induce growth of uterus, cause water retention, reduce sodium excretion, development of breast.
9. metabolic changes
- increase in food intake during pregnancy
- increase in metabolism due to needs of growing fetus.
- BMR increased tp extant of 30% higher
- plasma albumin concentration is reduced due to increased plasma volume.
in my article i explained changes occuring during pregnancy. these changs happn in mother's body to copup with growing fetus and to provide appropriate environment and nutrition to fetus.
i hope you liked our physiological changes during pregnancy.
Himanshu p.
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